Agroforestry is a land use management system that integrates traditional farming and forest management techniques, combining woody and perennial plants with herbaceous and/or animal husbandry to create a more efficient, productive, healthy, diversified and sustainable land use systems.
Mazingira proposes this agricultural approach in the Udzungwa Mountains area, where correct and targeted agroforestry crops have improved local harvests within a few years and offered a sustainable alternative to firewood. Groups of farmers were selected to participate in training courses on agroforestry and its benefits. They have successfully adopted the practices in their livelihood, obtaining encouraging results. In addition, from 2017, Mazingira provides farmers and schools with manuals with techniques and useful advice on the system of agroforestry.

Agroforestry Manual EN Agroforestry Manual SW
Alley Cropping
Amongst agroforestry systems, Mazingira promotes alley cropping, which is an agroforestry practice combining trees planted in single or multiple rows with agricultural or horticultural crops cultivated in wide alleys between rows of trees. Its benefits include to maximize land use, produce firewood, protect soil from erosion, increase food security, while also providing employment opportunities and improving the quality of the environment.

Tree nurseries
In 2011, Mazingira also started a campaign to establish both school and village tree nurseries. The management of the nurseries is entrusted to local personnel, specifically trained and fully dedicated to the care of the plants.
Mazingira organizes specific training courses on agronomic techniques and varieties to be cultivated and provide farmers with manuals (in English and Kiswahili language).