Green schools – environmental education program in the Kilombero valley schools
The Green Schools project, funded by the Otto per Mille of the Waldensian Church and started on the 1st of January 2023, aims to increase the environmental awareness and sensibility of the younger generations of the Kilombero Valley, to ensure sustainable development and the conservation of the extraordinary biodiversity of the Udzungwa mountains, in Tanzania central southern region. Thanks to a premium environmental education that uses laboratory, interactive and stimulating approaches, the Mazingira NGO Association, with its teachers, transmits knowledge and skills in 18 schools in the villages of the valley.
The year-long project develops an environmental education program in 14 primary and 4 secondary schools, involving environmental clubs. The classes involved are the fifth and sixth class of primary school and the first of secondary school for a total of 32 classes. The 4 teachers of A. Mazingira technically and logistically support the local teachers in the following activities:
– Annual Environmental Education program in 32 classes, carrying out interactive teaching activities and workshops, once a week for about 40′ per class;
– Strengthening and revitalization of existing environmental clubs and possible creation of new ones, to deepen and establish environmental concepts and activities of various kinds in schools. Each environmental club is made up of 10 students and an environmental education teacher.
– Educational visits, during the visit students and teachers are taken on a trip to the National Park of Udzungwa Mountains and other places of interest in the area (Visitor Information Centre – VIC, rubber tree plantation, biogas plant). Visits take place 3 times a year for each class.
– Disease prevention in schools with the installation of washtubs and the distribution of sanitary facilities for hand washing and sanitisation, to raise students’ awareness of the importance of hand washing, reduce the onset of diseases and prevent any pandemics.
– Celebration of World Environment Day on June 5th, in which the 32 classes celebrate this day together with a big event, each one preparing a performance on environmental themes (choirs, dances, plays, workshops). Local authorities are also invited to this day. During the event, the most deserving students, environmental clubs, schools, teachers and principals are awarded. Prizes are cash that winners can use for activities or school supplies.
Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries are boys and girls over 10 years old and their teachers: – 28 primary classes and 4 secondary classes, involving about 3000 students and 40 teachers and principals per year – 180 students belonging to 18 environmental clubs – Indirectly, the intervention affects the entire population of the Kilombero Valley (about 300,000 people).
Project supported with Otto per Mille funds from the Waldensian Church.
Udzungwa: a forest for all (2012–2017)

The objective of the project was to improve the living conditions and environmental awareness of the populations surrounding the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, guaranteeing a balance with environmental protection.
In the area adjacent to the Udzungwa Mountains National Park there is a close link between socio-economic development and environmental conservation, regarding the sustainable use of natural resources. The forest of the Udzungwa Mountains is in fact the “natural capital” of the Kilombero Valley due to rich biodiversity. Unfortunately, the survival of this intricate biodiversity has been threatened by unsustainable practices of communities. In this context, the objective of the project was to improve the living conditions and environmental awareness of the populations surrounding the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, guaranteeing a balance with environmental protection.
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Construction of a Visitor Information Centre in the Udzungwa National Park (2013-2018)
The Visitors’ Information Centre has been built to help tourists to get to know the Udzungwa Mountains National Park and the conservation problems of the area
The Udzungwa Mountains National Park is one of the main drivers of local development in the Kilombero Valley, so it was important to promote and strengthen it, encouraging the creation of the conditions necessary for the development of sustainable tourism in the area. In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, a Visitors’ Centre has been built, which helps tourists to get to know the Park and the conservation problems of the area better. The Visitors’ Centre was flanked by a local craft market for groups of entrepreneurs in the area as a tool for promotion and socio-economic growth.
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Efficient combustion technologies in Tanzania and Vietnam (2015–2017)
The project involved the exchange of experiences and technologies between Tanzania and Vietnam, with the identification of sustainable energy systems best suited to the two contexts.
In particular, in Vietnam, it was proposed to introduce new efficient and healthy combustion systems in some villages in the north of the country, spreading the knowledge of the dangers to human health related to traditional combustion methods; in Tanzania the aim was to strengthen and continue the campaign to promote and disseminate efficient energy technologies started in 2012. To achieve this, the project involved the construction and testing of low-cost self-built sensors based on open source technologies (Arduino) to measure the actual performance of different technologies used for home cooking. Measurements were accompanied by socio-economic interviews to get a deeper picture of the context. Three environmental engineering students from Trento were involved in the measurements in Tanzania and Vietnam.
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From Trentino to Tanzania in a clip (2015–2018)
The aim of the project was to transmit the principles of solidarity, cooperation, sustainability, non-violence, tolerance and respect, stimulating curiosity and acceptance of the diverse, interdependent cultural factors present in distant cultures and lifestyles.
This global citizenship education project took place in the 4 classes of the Udzungwa Mountains area in Tanzania and in 4 classes of the Val di Cembra school complex in Trentino. The vehicular language used was English. The students of the two countries came into contact exchanging short films shot in English, of which they were also the protagonists. In the films, the students talked about their daily lives and presented various environmental themes: agriculture, biodiversity, forests and their benefits, energy, tourist emergencies. The clips produced were then used as teaching tools in the classroom with the support of an operator and used as a starting point for in-depth studies on the various environmental issues covered.
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Solar Finance For All (2017-2020)
This project aims to improve access to and quality of solar and photovoltaic technologies in rural communities in the Malinyi and Kilombero districts of Tanzania by investing in innovative processes already successfully tested in the country.
The availability of good solar technologies in rural communities will be developed by the community itself, through informal savings and credit groups and the supply channels of local shops and technicians. The process includes the following steps:
– Awareness of the operation and benefits of photovoltaics compared to other energy sources (coal, kerosene, oil, etc.);
– Access to quality products from the capital Dar Es Salaam to rural realities;
– Installation and maintenance skills available directly on site;
– Easy access to financial resources for the purchase of products through the savings systems and informal and semi-formal credit already existing;
– Establishment of a revolving fund with Tanzanian associations and facilities, that will survive even at the end of the project.

Udzungwa: a forest for all – Consolidation Phase (2017–2021)
A community-based conservation project, implemented in 18 villages around Udzungwa Mountains National Park
The main objective of the project is to promote and implement nature conservation and environmental awareness while improving livelihood of people living in villages around the Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Specific objectives includes to introduce energetic alternatives to forest resources, with focus on reduction of the use of firewood and charcoal, development of tree nurseries, agroforestry plots, energy efficient stoves, teaching of environmental education subject in 14 primary and 4 secondary schools and implementing public environmental awareness events.