Smart, but not too much (2017-2019)
The two-year project responds to the need to integrate global citizenship education pathways into school curriculum. In particular, the specific aim of the project is to make students reflect on the social and environmental implications related to the production and the use of “smart” technologies.
Global School: how to intertwine local and global issues (2017-2018)
The project proposed a global citizenship education path which has as central theme the relationship between climate change and migrations. The main aim of the project was to contribute to the development of student’s critical thought, providing them with some useful tools to analyse and understand the complex and interconnected phenomena that characterise the globalised era in which we live.
Across Borders: a workshop on migrations (2016-2017)
The project proposed a didactic path of sensitization and education to the world citizenship on the theme of the international migrations and right of asylum. The sub-themes explored with the students were: refugees and wars today, integration through the media, migration and environmental issues.
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FromFoodToBook (2017-2018)
The main objective of the project was to involve high school students in the world of volunteering by stimulating civic and social engagement in young students in Trentino.
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Schoolness (2015-2017)
The project aimed to promote volunteering through a school more rooted in the social sphere, which could accompany young people towards an active and conscious participation, with targeted interventions focused on two major issues: forced migration and climate change.